Beyond the Fairway: Strategies for Golf Clubs to Draw in Tour Operators


Golf clubs are always on the lookout for new ways to attract visitors, and tour operators are a crucial source of steady traffic. However, with so much competition out there, it's essential to employ the right strategies to stand out from the crowd. In this white paper, we will explore a range of innovative strategies that golf clubs can use to increase the number of visitors coming from tour operators.

While email and social media marketing are powerful tools, we'll also look beyond these well-trodden paths to uncover other lesser-known strategies that can be just as effective. From targeted advertising to influencer marketing and referral programs, we'll explore a range of approaches that golf clubs can use to attract more visitors from tour operators.

In particular, we'll dive deep into the world of automated email marketing, examining how golf clubs can use email automation to send personalized and engaging messages to tour operators at the right time, to ensure that their club stays top of mind. We'll also explore the role of social media in modern marketing and offer tips for creating social media campaigns that resonate with tour operators.

Overall, this white paper will offer a comprehensive and practical guide to boosting visitor numbers from tour operators. Whether you're a small golf club looking to make a big impact or a larger enterprise seeking new ways to innovate, this guide is packed with insights and actionable strategies to help you get ahead. So, buckle up and get ready to take your golf club to the next level!

Automated Email Strategy

An automated email strategy is a method of sending pre-written, targeted messages to subscribers on a specific schedule or based on specific triggers. For golf clubs, an automated email strategy can involve creating a series of emails that highlight different aspects of the club and its amenities, such as the course, clubhouse, events, and promotions, and sending them to tour operators on a set schedule or in response to certain actions.

There are several email service providers (ESPs) that golf clubs can use to implement an automated email strategy. Some popular ESPs include:

  • Mailchimp: a user-friendly email marketing platform with a range of automation features.

  • Constant Contact: another user-friendly option with robust automation capabilities.

  • ActiveCampaign: a more advanced platform that offers sophisticated automation tools, including dynamic content and behavioural triggers.

  • HubSpot: a comprehensive marketing platform that includes email automation, as well as other marketing tools such as CRM and social media management.

By utilizing an email marketing platform, golf clubs can streamline their communication with tour operators, save time, and increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Use of Social Media

Social media has become an essential tool for golf clubs seeking to increase the number of visitors from tour operators. Through platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, golf clubs can create and maintain active accounts that showcase the club's offerings and events.

By sharing high-quality photos, videos, and updates, golf clubs can build a strong social media presence that increases their visibility and attracts the attention of tour operators. Social media provides an opportunity for golf clubs to engage with potential visitors, providing them with valuable information and insights that can help them make informed decisions about where to visit.

In addition to attracting new visitors, social media can also help golf clubs foster stronger relationships with existing ones. By sharing engaging content and interacting with followers, golf clubs can create a sense of community and loyalty among their audience. This can help drive repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth referrals, ultimately boosting the club's reputation and appeal to tour operators.

Moreover, social media offers a cost-effective way for golf clubs to reach a large audience. With the ability to target specific demographics and geographic locations, social media advertising can be a highly targeted and effective way to promote the club to potential visitors.

Partnering with Influencers

Partnering with influencers is another effective strategy for golf clubs seeking to increase the number of visitors from tour operators. Influencers are individuals with a significant following on social media platforms, such as Instagram or YouTube. By collaborating with influencers, golf clubs can tap into their existing audience and reach new potential visitors.

Influencers can help golf clubs showcase their offerings, services, and amenities to a large and diverse audience. They can create engaging content, including photos, videos, and reviews that highlight the golf club's unique features and benefits. This content can be shared on social media, blogs, or other digital channels, helping to increase the club's visibility and attract the attention of tour operators who are looking for new and exciting destinations.

Influencers can also help golf clubs target specific demographics or geographic regions. For example, if the golf club is looking to attract visitors from a specific market, such as families or millennials, they can partner with influencers who have a following within that demographic. This can be an effective way to reach a highly targeted audience that is more likely to be interested in the club's offerings.

Moreover, partnering with influencers can help golf clubs foster stronger relationships with potential visitors. Influencers often have a loyal and engaged following, which means that their recommendations and endorsements can carry significant weight. By partnering with influencers, golf clubs can create a sense of trust and credibility that can help visitors feel more confident in their decision to visit the club.

Partnering With Local Business

Partnering with other local businesses is a powerful strategy for golf clubs seeking to increase the number of visitors from tour operators. Collaborating with hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions in the area can create mutually beneficial relationships that help promote each other's offerings.

By bundling golfing experiences with other activities, tour operators can provide visitors with more complete and diverse itineraries. Golf clubs can leverage these bundled packages to entice tour operators to include them in their offerings, ultimately increasing the number of visitors to the golf club.

Moreover, partnering with local businesses can help golf clubs expand their reach beyond their immediate market. Tourists are more likely to visit a destination if they perceive it as a complete experience. By offering bundled packages, golf clubs can position themselves as part of a larger, more compelling experience that encompasses the best of the local area.

The benefits of partnering with other businesses are not limited to attracting more visitors. By working together, golf clubs can create a network of referrals, driving more business to each other's establishments. Additionally, shared marketing efforts can amplify the message, reaching a broader audience and generating more interest in the area as a whole.

Offering Special Promotions

Offering special promotions is a proven way for golf clubs to increase the number of visitors from tour operators. By providing incentives such as discounted green fees, bundled packages, or other perks, golf clubs can make themselves more attractive to tour operators and stand out from the competition.

However, when offering special promotions, golf clubs must also consider the needs and requirements of tour operators. Tour operators typically need to maintain a healthy margin in pricing to ensure the profitability of their business. Therefore, golf clubs should strive to strike a balance between offering attractive deals that benefit both parties.

For example, golf clubs can offer tour operators packages that include discounted green fees, but also provide other perks such as free rounds of golf for tour professionals or complimentary refreshments during their visit. These additional perks can help to sweeten the deal and create a win-win situation for both the tour operator and the golf club.

It's worth noting that special promotions should be structured in a way that encourages repeat business. For instance, golf clubs can offer tour operators loyalty programs that provide additional discounts or perks for each subsequent visit. This can help to build a long-term relationship between the tour operator and the golf club, creating a reliable and consistent stream of visitors over time.

Creating an Engaging Webpage for Tour Operators

Creating a dedicated webpage for tour operators is a valuable strategy for golf clubs seeking to attract more visitors from this market segment. By providing detailed information about the club, its facilities, and its promotions on a single page, golf clubs can make it easier for tour operators to learn about their offerings and make informed decisions about including them in their itineraries.

When creating a dedicated webpage for tour operators, golf clubs should aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the club's offerings. This may include information about the golf course, its amenities, the clubhouse, and other services such as accommodation and dining options. Additionally, golf clubs can include photos, videos, and virtual tours to showcase the club's unique features and create a more immersive experience for tour operators.

Moreover, the dedicated webpage can also include information about the promotions and special deals that the golf club is offering for tour operators. This can help tour operators to quickly and easily compare the offerings of different golf clubs and make informed decisions about which ones to include in their itineraries.

It's worth noting that the dedicated webpage should be designed with the needs and preferences of tour operators in mind. This may include making the webpage easy to navigate, including clear calls to action, and providing contact information for the golf club's sales and marketing team.


Are you ready to take your golf club to the next level? The tour operator market segment is a lucrative and growing market that can help your club attract more visitors and boost your revenue. By implementing effective strategies such as automated email campaigns, social media engagement, local business partnerships, special promotions, and a dedicated webpage for tour operators, you can make your club more visible and appealing to tour operators.

But it doesn't stop there! By building long-term relationships with tour operators and providing them with exceptional experiences, your club can establish itself as a destination that tourists and golf enthusiasts can't resist. Think of the possibilities - more visitors, increased revenue, and a growing reputation as a top-notch golf club.

In today's competitive market, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and stand out from the competition. These strategies can help you do just that, and with a little creativity and ingenuity, the sky's the limit for your golf club's success. So what are you waiting for? Get started today and watch your golf club thrive!

At Magna, we specialise in helping golf clubs maximise their potential and attract more visitors from the tour operator market segment. If you're ready to take your golf club to the next level and explore how these strategies can work for you, we'd love to hear from you.

Contact us today to schedule an initial exploration call and see how we can help your golf club thrive!


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